In which physical store can I find your clothes?

We currently have our own store in Barcelona:

Thinking MU Rosselló Store
Rosselló 220
08008 Barcelona, Spain.

You can also check our store locator to find multi-brand stores that sell Thinking MU in your city.

How can I exchange or return an item purchased in your physical store?

If you have made a purchase in one of our physical stores, you can make the return in any of our stores, presenting the purchase receipt. The return period is 30 calendar days from the date of purchase.

For exchanges, you will have to make a return and a new purchase.

You can also make a return or size exchange remotely from any country in the European Union through our returns and exchanges portal. You will receive a return label and delivery instructions.
Once we receive your return, we will proceed to refund or ship the new size.

You can check the costs and return conditions HERE.

Can I receive my order online at your store?

You can pick up your order within 1-3 working days directly at our physical store Madrazo 104 at no additional cost.

Thinking MU Rosselló Store
Rosselló 220
08008 Barcelona, Spain
Phone +34 691 18 82 74

Select Store Pickup as your shipping method at checkout. We will notify you when your order arrives at the store and you will only need to present your order number and bring your ID with you to pick it up.

Can I exchange or return an online order in your store?

You can return your online order at our physical store. You will only need to present your order confirmation and our store team will process the refund on the spot.

For exchanges, you will need to make a return and a new purchase.

Thinking MU Rosselló Store
Rosselló 220
08008 Barcelona, Spain

I want to sell Thinking MU in my store.

If you identify with our brand and our values and want to be part of the team selling our collections in your own store, please contact our Wholesale Department at